Media & Outreach

CINDAQ believes in the power of communication to educate a wide audience. Over the years we have worked on numerous major international documentary series that bring our aquifer and the threats it faces to a global audience. CINDAQ has full production capabilities that allow us to help the scientists we work with explain their work and its importance. We are able to film above and below the surface in an effort to showcase the beauty, magnificence and fragility of our region’s aquifer.

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Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve Punta Pajaros/Bahía de Ascensión, 2023

CINDAQ flew to Punta Pájaros and the Bahía de Ascensión to investigate the presence of caves and the potential for their exploration...

Bacalar 2023

From May 1-5, 2023, CINDAQ assisted Dr. Luisa Falcón (Senior Researcher of Bacterial Ecology, Institute of Ecology, UNAM, Mérida) in her ongoing studies of...

Cenote Tuun Ja, Muyil-Xamach Fire Site Exploration and Documentation

On March 23, 2022, members of the Centro Investigador del Sistema Acuífero de Quintana Roo AC (CINDAQ), flew by helicopter from Puerto Morelos to the Sian Ka’an...