Cenote Tuun Ja, Muyil-Xamach Fire Site Exploration and Documentation

On March 23, 2022, members of the Centro Investigador del Sistema Acuífero de Quintana Roo AC (CINDAQ), under the auspices of the Comisión Nacional De Áreas Naturales Protegidas (CONANP), Dirección Reserva de la Biosfera Sian Ka’an and in accordance with permit CNANP-000-008, flew by helicopter from Puerto Morelos to the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve with two main objectives:

  1. Follow-up documentation and assessment of the “Muyil-Xamach” forest fire site;
  2. Continued exploration, documentation and assessment of Tuun Ja cenote.

The project report can be downloaded by clicking here.

(Raw data can be provided on request.)

Map (pragmatic map showing exploration to date)

This viewport allows you to navigate, zoom in and download the map in PDF format in both English and Spanish by using the icons at the top of the frame.

Photo Gallery from March 23, 2022

A selection of photos can be downloaded by clicking here

Muyil-Xamach Fire Site 3D Model​

This model was generated using Drone Deploy.

Models are best viewed on a computer and not on a mobile device

360 Photo above Cenote Tuun Ja

Taken from 60m above the cenote using Drone Deploy

Muyil-Xamach Fire Site - Evolution

Comparative images of the site taken 1 year apart


Tuun Ja - Underwater video

A selection of areas on the southwest side of Tuun Ja

Muyil-Xamach - Oscar Guzman Interview

The subdirector of the reserve speaks about objectives for fire monitoring (in Spanish)